
We welcome contributions to improve LorenzCycleToolkit! Please follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository and clone your fork.

  2. Create a new branch: - Use one of the following naming conventions:

    • feature/your-feature-name for new features

    • bugfix/your-bug-name for bug fixes

    • hotfix/your-hotfix-name for urgent fixes

    • Example: git checkout -b feature/new-visualization

  3. Make your changes following the project’s coding standards.

  4. Test your changes: Ensure all tests pass by running: .. code-block:: bash


  5. Format your code: Run the following commands to ensure your code adheres to the project standards: .. code-block:: bash

    autopep8 –in-place –recursive . isort . flake8

  6. Commit your changes: - Use descriptive commit messages, e.g., git commit -m 'Add energy cycle visualization feature'

  7. Push your changes to your fork: .. code-block:: bash

    git push origin feature/new-visualization

  8. Create a pull request: Submit your PR through GitHub, following our PR template and referencing any related issues.

Before submitting your pull request, please ensure:

  • Your code passes all tests and follows the coding standards.

  • You have added or updated documentation if necessary.

Thank you for contributing!